Should you install fake grass in Sydney?

Should you install fake grass in Sydney

Want to keep watering costs to a minimum or live in a reason where grass refuses to grow, or can’t tolerate mowing the lawn? Consider putting fake grass in Sydney.

Fake grass in Sydney is a great way to have a perfectly manicured lawn without having to mow, water, or fertilise it. Read on below to find out about some of the benefits and drawbacks of installing artificial grass.

It always looks good

As long as there is rain or you’re on holiday, your artificial grass will appear flawless. It doesn’t become too long and it won’t start dying or become discoloured.

Little or no upkeep

Mowing, watering, fertiliser, and weed killer are all necessary for a healthy natural grass. However, fake grass in Sydney needs little to no upkeep.

Dogs and children

Since dogs cannot dig holes in fake grass in Sydney and their urine does not harm the turf, some dog owners prefer it. Children (and adults) who suffer from allergies to grass may also prefer artificial grass since it is mess-free (no muddy footsteps).


The cost of installing fake grass in Sydney lawn is almost twice as high as the expense of starting from scratch with turf to create a natural grass lawn.


As much as 25 years may be achieved by properly maintaining and installing a high-quality system (some companies even offer a lifetime warranty). Standard warranties, on the other hand, are just seven to ten years long, so your lawn may need significant upkeep or replacement around this period.

Other things to keep in mind

Fake grass Sydney

Young children are especially vulnerable to burns from artificial grass, which may reach dangerously high temperatures in direct sunshine.

Temperatures on a hot day may reach up to 100°C on artificial grass that is not sheltered,

Even for young children, this may quickly lead to burns on the skin. Even if you don’t get burned on an artificial lawn, the temperature is something to be concerned about since it may cause other problems as well. Radiant heat, can cause problems.  

Because of the turf’s ability to reflect stored heat back into your home’s microclimate, a house on a tiny block with limited ventilation may actually be heated. Special “cool” grass and cooling infill materials are sold by certain producers to lower the artificial lawn’s surface and radiating heat.

Fake grass comes in a many varieties

In terms of lengths, thicknesses, and colours, you may choose from a wide variety of fake grass for landscaping. In situations where people walk or stand a lot, it’s ideal to use thicker, softer (but more costly) yarns.

A wide range of colours are available, from bright greens to more subdued tones. A more realistic appearance is achieved by including a few brown blades of grass in the mix of most high-quality turfs.


A good-quality fake grass in Sydney will cost between $20 and $40 per square metre. After the grass has been placed, you’ll need to apply an infill substance to maintain the grass appearing natural and protect it from the sun’s harmful rays. Sand is often recommended by manufacturers. Every square metre will need 5–15 kg of sand. Bags of sand are usually under $10.

Installed by a qualified technician

For a square metre that requires professional installation, you can expect to pay between $55 and $60 per square foot.

If you include the price of the grass, you’re looking at an installation cost of between $3750 and $5500 for a 50-square-meter backyard.

To put up artificial grass, do I need a permit from my local government?

That’s up to you. If you want to place artificial grass on the council-owned nature strip or verge outside your house, you’ll need to check with your local council first.